Альманах эпохи гипертекста

Наука года. Самые яркие открытия 2022 года


Telescopes Get Extraordinary View of Milky Way’s Black Hole
New NASA Black Hole Sonifications with a Remix
NASA’s Big 2022: Historic Moon Mission, Webb Telescope Images, More
Lab-grown meat and insects „good for planet and health”
Siberian scientists don’t want to feed people with insect protein. For now
Bioengineered cornea can restore sight to the blind and visually impaired
Бактерии и дрожжи научились понимать друг друга
Последний сумчатый волк умер в зоопарке почти 100 лет назад. Звучит невероятно, но это правда: ученые планируют его воскресить
If ‘DishBrain’ can learn to play Pong – what does this mean for science?
Tanis: Fossil found of dinosaur killed in asteroid strike, scientists claim
Динозавры могли чихать и кашлять
Potentially Alive 830-Million-Year-Old Organisms Found Trapped in Ancient Rock
‘Zombie’ viruses are thawing in melting permafrost because of climate change
Scientists find remains of Neanderthal family in Russian cave for first time
31,000-year-old skeleton found in famous Borneo rock art caves shows earliest evidence of amputation surgery
DeepMind uncovers structure of 200m proteins in scientific leap forward
AI test could predict cancer drug combinations in less than two days
This Danish Political Party Is Led by an AI
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